Saturday, June 24, 2006


I am not one to confront people. It is just not something that I can do and this is fundamentally as a result of 2 reasons. One, I always think that i can just walk away and two, I generally think that if I saw something then people will think that I am miserable and it may even cause unnecessary drama.

As a result of me being this way, I have a friend that thinks that I make people walk over me, that I am a pushover and should just say what I want, even if it will hurt someone's feelings. Sometimes I will notice things about other people's personality that I don't appreciate, but rather than say to them that I dont like it, I saw it to my friends, is that a bad thing? I dont think it necessarily is. But perhaps my friends get a little annoyed that I tell them rather than confront the person.

Today I had a problem with a decision that someone I am associated with made, that affects me. I think that his decision was not a good one and that I should have been consulted before steps were taken. Before I let the person know, that I was against the decision, i thought about it carefully and send a carefully worded e-mail, to avoid stepping on any toes. Am I a wuss, or is it that I consider other people's feelings, or just dont want to make life more difficult by confronting individuals?

What would you do? When is it the right time, to confront someone about something?

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