Friday, July 21, 2006


Today I was almost brought to tears, while I was watching C-Span, when the Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations was taking to the Unites States Security Council.

I was almost brought to tears because of what this gentleman was saying and how in humane the whole Lebanese crisis/atrocity is. He spoke of the situation as just an issue, he didnt make reference to the fate of civilians, at most he reiterated that the situation in Lebanon will not cease unless they destroy the terrorist within the country.

But guess what smarts: Hezbollah is not Lebanon! Hezbollah is a small fraction of the population. So is it that civilians must die so that Israel can get rid of Hezbollah?

Is it that no country has the cojones to say that this is an outrage. I think that Israel is on this war path because they are not capable of finding the individuals they are looking for, they are bullies who are not smart enough to find what they are looking for, so they take the easy way out, which is the most disgusting part of this whole scenario- killing children and their parents. In short innocents.

If this were the opposite and Iran bombed Israel, everyone as we all know would come to the fore and call it an outrage of massive proportions. This is definitely what would happen as dictated by historical experiences : Major case in point being the Palestinian "situtaion".

Ironically enough the US who is always poking its nose in other people's affair is mum about the whole situation as is expected as they always back Israel no matter what.

Is Lebanon being punished to make an example of? Is Bush not making any statements because the Lebanese situation is taking some attention away from the Iraqi situation?

When will all the killings end and who will have the balls to say somthings? When will this country get a break? When will other countries stop using this country as their battle ground to fight their wars that has nothing to do with Lebanond itself.

What the fuck is going on? Has Bush set a trend for invading sovereing nations. Does this mean that North Korea, if they feel like it, can bomb any country, even America?

Where is the love for people. Why the fuck does one country feels that it has the right to destroy another. Why the fuck does one man feel he has the right to kill another man. Israel is taking this collateral damage thing too far.

Lets address fairness. Lets look at an eye for an eye. If Hezbollah killed 5 Israeli should Israel have the right to kill thousands of innocents? So if Syria design to attack Israel in defence of Lebanon (fat chance), but hypothetically speaking, if Syria attacks Israel in defence of Lebanon calling it a terrorist act, should anyone step in?

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