Friday, June 02, 2006


Disclaimer: This scenario is purely hypothetical and doesnot mirror my own life and is used to make a point.

Let me say this first, I don't really have a problem with marriage, but what concerns me is that many young people are getting married and I can't believe it, and I sure as hell don't understand it. Today I heard that a guy I went to school with and was very close friends with, is getting married. And the first thing I felt was sadness.

My thing is, Am i ready to get married at 24?
Do I know what is out there for me at 24?

What I also think about is, is this guy for me that I will spend the rest osf my life being inlove with him if i marry him at 24?

Have I had all the experiences I need to have to make me ready to commit to someone for the rest of my life.

If I am 24 and have had 5 sexual relationships am I ready for marriage.

Perhaps the reason why I am so worried about this marriage thing, is that it may end in divorce or affairs. Perhaps I am so inlove with the concept of love lasting forever that I really think people should have as many relationships as possible to make sure that they are ready for marriage and what it means.

If you meet a guy/girl and he or she becomes your first love the first person that you ever had sex with, is it possible for you and that person to be together forever? No definetely not, I think that both persons in that relationship sooner or later will want to explore other opportunites, or better yet other peoples opportunites :).

Maybe I am hating marriage (but i dont think so, someday i will want to get married)

Let me know ya'll opinions


Adrian said...

That girl in the hypothetical situation is ready, she just needs to meet the right guy and stop badminding her hypothetical friends who found hypothetical happyness.

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