Friday, June 09, 2006


I am working on a project that I am very excited about and that I hope will come into fruition and be somewhat successful. I think that there is a joy that you get from planning something and then putting it into action and seeing how it materialises. Its nice to see your vision grow legs.

So this project: I have very high hopes for it, and if all goes well it will get its legs in the next couple months. Since I am not the only member of the project, the genesis and progression of it will also be dependent on the other individuals.

When I get excited about something like this i generally get alot of ideas on the way forward, and i am very bent on everyone putting in a 150% so that it can be a success. Though I appreciate the input of all the talented people involved, sometimes i wish that I was going it alone, trodding the path by myself, because at least the things that need to get done for the progression of the project will actually be completed, because I see the urgency of it. Again i appreciate everyone who is a part of the project, because they are all every talented in their areas, I just want them to stop sitting on their asses. I think that they dont fully understand what needs to be done for the success of the project. I am not asking for them to work 24 hours a day or increase the amount of time they work on their respective sectors because we all have a 9-5. I just want them to actually do what they are suppose to get done.

But with all that said, I do have faith in the project and that we will make a tremendous leap in the next couple of months. :)
This week I have started to take better care of my finances (Adrian if you read this donot laugh, I am serious). I am so brookkke that I have no other choice than to take better care of my finances.
There are a couple of things that I really need (want, would do good with):
1. A new laptop (this is most important)
2. A palm pilot (maybe)
3. I need to pay my tuition for August (this should be number 1 but i really do need the laptop).

Speaking about money, my friends and I were talking last week about when we were in high school how much money we had and why the hell that when we start working we are some broke ass peeps. Let me tell you, when i was in high school i went to 95% of all the parties and i didnt get the hook up with some free tickets. And these parties were pretty expensive, plus i pretty much bought a new outfit every week. Plus i went to the salon every week. I basically had money rolling out my ass. Now at 24 when i am a grown woman and i have a job, i cant find money to do the things i wanted. My friends theory is that we ate little lunch so we had a lot of money to spend on other trivial things. But we did it, everyday. I remember we left school everyday and walked to McDonald's for lunch [almonst everyday]. It was a good thing that we played sports, because all those sandwiches from Mickey D's would have made us blimps at 16, 17 and 18.

Well i still dont know how we were able to have so much money, but i wish i was that age again: for the money I somehow had and all the fun i had :). Since i have been working (all 3 years of pain; naw just kidding) i havent been out as much as i used to, or hung out with my friends as much as i used. And so help me God I will not become one of those people who when the reach a certain age think that they should stop hanging out because "they are getting to old for this"--Bullshit. Are you ever too old to hang out and have fun....Never.

So I am gonna make more of an effort to keep in touch with people and do more stuff with my friends.

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