Thursday, May 11, 2006


I think one of the greatest challenges in life is to be able to get along with people. We are all so different, we eat different, we think different and we like different things. So why do people like to change others. Isn't it the differences in each of us that makes life a little less boring and a little more engaging. Why can't we just agree to disagree and accept the differences in each other. I think that people get their positions a little mixed up. Not everyone will like you and vice versa. You won't like every characteristic of an individual or every aspect of their personality. The important thing is to like somethings, cherish the person for that part of them that you find to be great, that one thing that you can identify with.

We all seem too quick to judge each other, because they are different from us. We judge people because they don't carryout a task in the manner in which we carry out that task. My point: It's ok to let the person go left, if you think it should be right as long as the end result is the same. There are many ways to do something, so listen to others and respect their decisions and don't be a damn JERK!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.